
Lucky Dogs: The Transported

Lucky Dogs: The Transported

Hey dog, you’re going North! What is that you say human friend? I’m going where? Tell me more… There is a supply and demand issue in dog rescue. No, really. There is. I was talking to an employee of a large national rescue, shelter, and advocacy organization a few...

Shelter Boots

Shelter Boots

I don’t want anyone to be jealous of my new shelter boots. But my summer pair have arrived, and they’re pretty fantastic. They’re fun to look at, fit perfectly, and are tall enough to serve their purpose but short enough for my feet to get a little breeze on an all...

The Adopted: Carrie

The Adopted: Carrie

It takes a village to get a dog adopted. Carrie is Going to Washington to her forever home. She’s one of 10 - 10!! - dogs who left the shelter to venture to northern adopters recently. They all have stories (but let’s be real: mostly they all start with spaying and...

The Perma-dogs                  (aka Foster Fails)

The Perma-dogs (aka Foster Fails)

I have a thing about naming dogs. I think it’s important for a loved dog to have a proper name which includes a title, first, middle, and last name. And it should be based on something unique about the dog. It’s likely I got this from my dad, who didn’t necessarily...