Honey Buns and her siblings were found and taken from their feral mama at about four weeks old (later reunited thanks to the shelter). This little lady had a bit of a tough start in figuring out how to be her best self as a result. I’m so proud of our perma-dogs for giving The Buns a good learning environment so that she can now make her way into the world today: to New England specifically (Cheers theme song plays in my head…it’ll take everything she’s got).
Our first week+ with The Buns – as I now refer to her – was rough. We have four older dogs, including an alpha female German Shepherd named Zuri. But that’s part of the reason we took her. You see, HB was getting a bit bossy with her siblings. They’d all been separate from their mama (and then reunited through the amazing efforts of the shelter team), shuffled around after living as strays at a church, generally hiding out and fearful. So I can understand her attitude as a slightly bossy person myself.
Well The Buns figured it all out. She learned which dogs she could play with, which dogs to never steal treats from, and which dogs she could nap with. She learned to sitz, platz, and brings (we do German commands here – sit, down, fetch and drop). She had some territorial moments we had to get her through, and she did. We brought her to new places and she was such a frequent visitor to my office that the staff still ask how she’s doing. As it turns out (while you should NEVER separate puppies from their moms until four months), our pack did a great job of helping this little lady learn to be a delightful and socially acceptable girl – with dogs and people alike. I still miss her, but I’m thrilled to have been able to give her exactly what she needed in that moment. She was ready to be launched.
A journey of a thousand miles – or in this case closer to 1,200 – begins with a single step. She made her way to her next foster and from there she will go to her forever life. She’s available for adoption there now, and if I do say so, she’s has had some excellent experience to prepare her. If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, HB, life will reward you with a new hello.
How lucky we are to have had someone who makes saying goodbye so hard. Off you go little lady, with love. You’re a very good dog.
Update: Honey Buns is available for adoption via Rhode Island based Save One Soul Animal Rescue League. She’s being fostered by a most capable and loving lady and has learned a whole new set of tricks. I love this dog…
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